138 Peachtree St, 138 Peachtree St, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
Nov 16, 2024, 11:00 AM
138 Peachtree St, 138 Peachtree St, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
To celebrate my Atlanta residency I’ve decided to throw a day-party. This is a fundraising brunch focused on getting cozy within the community while building community.
I know most of us grew up having to over extend ourselves. Now you struggle to recognize where empathy starts and boundaries begin? To release the conditioning you’ve experienced due to others insecurities? It’s time to get SELFISH!
Your Fairy God Sis and Favorite Duchess are teaming up for a Magickal Meet and Greet, with some spiritual treats. We will be hanging out with our following at MLD Holisitc's, spilling the Truth Tea while building community.